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Sylvia Schwaag Serger

Sylvia Schwaag Serger


Lund University

She is a Professor at the Department of Economic History at Lund University and has worked in various capacities for the Swedish government, the European Commission, and the OECD. She focuses on China, international science and technology cooperation, and science, technology and innovation policy. She is a member of the Austrian Council for Research and Technological Development, chair of the Scientific Council of the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (Formas), and academician at the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering (IVA).

Recent Events and Presentations

March 29, 2023

The Future of Manufacturing and Innovation in Germany and the United States

Join ITIF and OECD to explore policy questions that arose in the context of the OECD Review of Innovation Policy: Germany, but which have relevance to both the United States and Germany.

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